Hudway is a heads-up display that can fit to any car, helping you to keep your eyes on the road while driving.
Hudway is a universal vehicle accessory, turning your smartphone into a head-up display (HUD) for any car. It’s simple and affordable.
We made a universal vehicle accessory that turns your smartphone into a Head-Up Display (HUD) bringing comfort and safety to drivers all over the world. We did it because we’re tired of waiting for others. Because we believe that automotive HUDs are safer than an instrument-panel display or a smartphone. And because other solutions are either very expensive, or stuck in the midst of a long and complicated development process. This is the accessory we want, and we think you’ll like it.
Discover a new way of using your phone while driving and not being distracted. Now we need your support to make Hudway Glass a reality.
via Kickstarter
You guys are great!
Where can I buy one and can I be your sales person in my area?