Mars' most enigmatic rock hints at Ancient LifeNASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS

NASA discovered Mars‘ most enigmatic rock, which hints at ancient life.

The rock’s unique features on the Red Planet suggest it could have supported microbial life billions of years ago.

has made intriguing observations of a Martian rock that might indicate past life on Mars. To confirm this, scientists need to analyze the rock’s composition, structure, and possible organic materials. Further studies and samples are essential to provide definitive evidence of ancient life on Mars.

NASA’s Perseverance roverNASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS

According to NASA:

“While organic matter and the leopard spots are of great interest, they aren’t the only aspects of the Cheyava Falls rock confounding the science team.

They were surprised to find that these veins were filled with millimeter-sized crystals of olivine, a mineral that forms from magma.

The olivine might be related to rocks that were formed farther up the rim of the river valley and that may have been produced by crystallization of magma.

If so, the team has another question to answer: Could the olivine and sulfate have been introduced to the rock at uninhabitable high temperatures, creating an abiotic chemical reaction that resulted in the leopard spots?”

source NASA