Scientists create first Quantum computer bridge
Sandia researchers demonstrated all the components needed to create a quantum bridge to link, for the first time on a single computer chip.
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Sandia researchers demonstrated all the components needed to create a quantum bridge to link, for the first time on a single computer chip.
Quantum Tron drone takes off like a helicopter and flies like an airplane.
Watch these objects floating around a track. Is it real, not magic, it’s quantum levitation…
Quantum product design Museum a futuristic structure, that has an external shell with a fractal pattern.
The cartoon helps explain the idea of “entangled particles.” Alice and Bob represent photon detectors, in a love story at the smallest scales imaginable: particles of light.
Scientists by manipulating magnetic fields, managed to manipulate quantum materials into complex shapes, to advance the development of ultra-fast, stable quantum computers.
Google’s Quantum Computer actually works and could be 3,600 times faster than a supercomputer.
Where are the limits of human technology, can we somehow avoid them? In the video you can see why quantum computers becoming very interesting…
For the first time, scientists revealed what happens when an atom splits in two in a nuclear fusion.
An atom is 99.99% empty: In this video, a clear explanation of a mind-blowing physics concept, uncovering the quantum mechanics that make everyday objects solid.