21st Europe’s Starline High-Speed Train
21st Europe's Starline, a visionary high-speed train, a network connecting the continent with...
21st Europe's Starline, a visionary high-speed train, a network connecting the continent with...
E10 Shinkansen Bullet Train. © East Japan Railway Company (JR East) and Tangerine The Japan’s impressive E10 Shinkansen bullet train set to launch in 2030.
On January 10th, the world's first carbon fiber subway train, the Cetrovo 1.0 Carbon Star Rapid Rail, debuted in Qingdao, China.
China has successfully tested an ultra-high-speed maglev train, capable of reaching speeds up to 621 mph.
Stadler’s Hydrogen-Powered train achieves the Guinness World Record title by traveling more than 1,700 miles on one tank of hydrogen.
Orient Express Silenseas, the world's largest sailing ship, was unveiled. The legendary train heads out to sea.
Why are rails shaped like that? An overview of the wheel/rail interactions, of the train.
Riding Japan’s fastest bullet train Hayabusa first class seat.
The TGV train (Train à Grande Vitesse, or “high-speed train”), focused on a more cost-effective approach that would leverage existing infrastructure as well as newly developed technologies
FluxJet a new breakthrough for ultra-high-speed ground transportation, to carry passengers at over 1000 km/h.