Perpetual Ocean 2Perpetual Ocean 2. © NASA

This is the “beauty shot” version of NASA’s Perpetual Ocean 2: Western Boundary Currents.

The visualization begins with a rotating globe displaying ocean currents. The camera then zooms into the Kuroshio Current, moves across the Indian Ocean to the Agulhas Current, and finally transitions to the Gulf Stream.

The colors in this version were chosen for an aesthetically pleasing effect. Surface flows down to 600 meters deep are shown in white, while deeper currents use a blue-cyan-white color gradient.

NASA's Perpetual Ocean 2Perpetual Ocean 2. © NASA

The animation starts with a global view before slowing down to highlight the Western Boundary Current along the Pacific Ocean’s western edge, near the coasts of Australia and Asia. It then zooms in on the Kuroshio Current off Japan’s coast, where large meanders can persist for months in relatively stable locations. The Kuroshio Current typically ranges from 20 to 25°C, with seasonal variations in salinity, averaging around 34.5.

NASA's Perpetual Ocean 2 Perpetual Ocean 2. © NASA

The beauty shot version of Perpetual Ocean 2 4Perpetual Ocean 2. © NASA

The beauty shot version of Perpetual Ocean 2 5Perpetual Ocean 2. © NASA

The beauty shot version of Perpetual Ocean 2 6Perpetual Ocean 2. © NASA

source NASA