New Motorola Razr Flip phone Family unveiledMotorola Razr. Motorola

The new Motorola Razr flip phone family was unveiled, featuring the largest external display, a revamped design, and powerful AI-driven features.

Motorola Razr key highlights:

Google Gemini and Google Photos on the External Display: Access all your essentials in one place.
Updated Design: New colors, materials, and the reimagined Hello UX software enhance the user experience.
Performance and Battery Life: Enjoy powerful performance and long battery life from day to night.
Expanded Ecosystem: Introducing the new moto tag for added convenience.

New Motorola Razr Flip phone Family unveiled (2)Motorola Razr. Motorola

Twenty years after the iconic RAZR V3, Motorola continues to innovate and push the boundaries of smartphone technology.

New Motorola Razr Flip phone Family unveiled (5)Motorola Razr. Motorola

The 2024 Motorola Razr family, including the Motorola Razr 50 Ultra/Motorola Razr+ and Motorola Razr 50/Motorola Razr, offers sleek, pocket-sized smartphones equipped with advanced AI capabilities, staying true to the Razr legacy while embracing modern advancements.

New Motorola Razr Flip phone Family unveiled (6)Motorola Razr. Motorola

New Motorola Razr Flip phone Family unveiled (4)Motorola Razr. Motorola

New Motorola Razr Flip phone Family unveiled (3)Motorola Razr. Motorola

New Motorola Razr Flip phone Family unveiled (1)Motorola Razr. Motorola

source Motorola