New World Record RC Airplane Speed 548mph
Watch the world’s fastest RC airplane hitting 548mph without a motor.
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Watch the world’s fastest RC airplane hitting 548mph without a motor.
Biggest RC airplane in the world Boeing 747-400 Virgin Atlantic Airliner. Watch it flying in the video…
Hubless motorcycle with airplane engine. First round with TMC Dumont…
A Boeing 747 detailed giant remote controlled model airplane, with 4 turbines, built by a guy in Germany. Take a look at this RC jumbo jet flying,
Heart Aerospace’s hybrid-electric airplane ES-30 can take off by 2028.
Aurora X-65 prototype aircraft has no moving parts on the exterior and uses holes in its wings to reach Mach speeds.
The Airbus A380 is the incredible airplane that no one wants!
NASA and Lockheed Martin unveiled the agency’s X-59 quiet supersonic aircraft at the Skunk Works facility at dawn in Palmdale, California.
The Celera 500L, a bullet-shaped airplane from Otto Aviation aims to revolutionize traveling by cutting fuel consumption 8 times.
The C-5 Galaxy, the largest strategic airlifter in the U.S. Air Force will amaze you with its 90-degree rotating landing gear, that it can kneel down, and