How it´s Made Boeing 747-8
Take a look at this video how a giant Boeing 747-8 is made…
Take a look at this video how a giant Boeing 747-8 is made…
Scientists have created an artificial Sun.
Did you know that we could start building a Moon Base today?
Take a look at the video how your home could look like in 50 years…
The masterpiece “Queen- Bohemian Rhapsody,” performed by 28 trombone collaboration!
Watch in the video how much of the Earth can you see at once…
Humpback Whale surprises passengers on this boat, off Gustavus, Alaska.
Mysterious lights over San Diego 8/29/18, were super bright and twinkly. Formed patterns in the sky.
Watch the 2019 electric 4-door Porsche Taycan testing on the Nurburgring.
Talking with Elon Musk about Tesla, tech and the future.