Japan is Planning a giant Automated Cargo Transportation SystemThe Automated Cargo Transportation System in Japan

Japan is planning a giant 310-mile Automated Cargo Transportation System, between Tokyo and Osaka.

Experts from Japan’s Land, Infrastructure, Transport, and Tourism Ministry have suggested developing automated logistics systems that use median strips or underground tunnels along expressways for transporting goods.

The panel has been discussing this new logistics system since February. According to a draft outline released on Friday, the ministry hopes to complete the project by 2034, with a 310-mile route between Tokyo and Osaka being considered.

Japan is Planning a giant Automated Cargo Transportation SystemThe Automated Cargo Transportation System in Japan

Online shopping has led to a doubling of small parcel deliveries over the past 30 years. By 2030, labor shortages may prevent the delivery of about 30% of packages.

The panel estimates that these automated logistics highways could handle the same amount of cargo as 25,000 truck drivers per day, using pallets capable of carrying up to a ton of small-sized goods, such as agricultural products, seafood, and daily necessities.

source The Japan News