Watch in this stunning video, a lightning storm recorded in super slow motion, at 7000 frames per second…
Professor Ningyu Liu at the Geospace Physics Laboratory caught a beautiful lightning show from a recent storm. It’s recorded at 7000 frames per second and the playback speed is 700 frames per second.
How many cars have crashed into it? Only part of it is above the traffic while the sides are down in the traffic. What if someone wants to change lanes while this thing is driving over them? They would be trapped until it’s finished passing overhead. Not all drivers stay neatly in their lanes. Many cars would wander into the path of the tracks. This giant bus would have to be able to stop on a dime when someone swerves over in front of it. If it crashes, it looks massive enough to cut a car in half! I think you need to have elevated tracks above the traffic permanently mounted to poles that are planted next to the road. You can’t be down in the road without affecting the traffic. Maybe a monorail system would be the least expensive way to do it. Instead of a few massive sized buses you could have many mini-buses that ride on a thin, inexpensive track that’s passes high above the traffic.