Microsoft Quantum ChipMicrosoft Majorana 1 Quantum Chip. © Microsoft

Microsoft introduces Majorana 1, the first quantum chip using topological qubits.

In this video, Microsoft’s quantum computing team showcases the breakthrough behind Majorana 1—a chip built from a novel material with the potential to support millions of qubits on a single chip.

  • Majorana 1: A Quantum Processing Unit (QPU) powered by a Topological Core, designed for large-scale quantum computing.
  • Topological Qubit Innovation: New research in Nature and data from the Station Q meeting highlight Microsoft’s progress in creating small, fast, and digitally controlled qubits.
  • Path to Reliable Quantum Computing: Advancing from single-qubit devices to scalable arrays that enable quantum error correction.
  • Fault-Tolerant Prototype (FTP): Microsoft is developing the first fault-tolerant quantum computer, aiming for completion in years, not decades, as part of DARPA’s US2QC program.

Microsoft Quantum ChipMicrosoft Majorana 1 Quantum Chip. © Microsoft

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