Mirror Mirror installation

Mirror Mirror installation uses lighthouse tech to beam colorful light, created for the city of Alexandria.

Mirror Mirror designed by SOFTlab, was commissioned by the City of Alexandria’s Office of the Arts. The artwork takes the form of an opened circle, 25 feet in diameter and 8 feet high, that visitors can walk inside and around.

Mirror Mirror installation (6)

This structure in-the-round, like a lighthouse, is both a place to look outward at your surroundings and a beacon to be seen from afar and watched.

Mirror Mirror installation (5)

The materials and interactive nature of the artwork reference the special type of lens used at Alexandria’s own historic Jones Point Lighthouse – called the Fresnel lens – the most advanced lens technology of the 1800s, which used a series of prisms to concentrate the light source and direct it into a narrow horizontal beam that was projected outward.

Mirror Mirror installation (4)

Mirror Mirror installation (3)

Mirror Mirror installation (2)

Mirror Mirror installation (1)

Images screen capture from video