
A new era in the history of the car and transport started. Uber put into circulation four autonomous traffic taxi in Pittsburgh.

The US company Uber, for the first time in the history of motoring, is the first company that ventured in an urban environment fully autonomous vehicles.

The four self-driving cars are controlled by software using three-dimensional cameras, laser sensors and GPS.

During the first phase, in the car will be both a driver and a mechanic of Uber.

Uber encourage reporters to make journeys on autonomous taxi, Tuesday.

A Reuters reporter during one hour of ride, said that the autonomous Ford taxi Uber, stopped safely in front of a red light. The taxi crossed bridges, overtook a truck of US Postal and slowed when another driver opened the door of the car on a busy city street. All this happened without anyone touching the wheel or any pedal car, according to the reporter.

Image credit Uber

source Uber