Swytch Convert any Bike into an eBike

Swytch Kit converts any bike into an electric bicycle for up to 20mph speed and 50mi range.

The Swytch Kit is an all-in-one electric conversion kit that is compatible with any type of bike.

You can easily convert your own bike to electric power, while maintaining the look and feel of your original ride.

Bringing quality design and engineering, the Swytch team has created an affordable, lightweight instantly removable conversion kit.

Power your ride up to 20 mph for a 50 mile range with minimal added weight.

Swytch Convert any Bike into an eBike (5)

The Swytch eBike conversion kit allows you to easily turn your everyday bike into an electric bike, regardless of your wheel size or brake type.

Swytch Convert any Bike into an eBike (4)

Swytch Convert any Bike into an eBike (2)


source indiegogo