FREE Water forever
Free water forever, legally. The system described is called a rainwater catchment or rainwater collection.
Free water forever, legally. The system described is called a rainwater catchment or rainwater collection.
NASA now has the ability to recycle 98% of the water collected from the US segment on the space station.
Dogen City is a smart healthcare floating city on the sea that integrates food environment, architecture, data, energy, and ocean resource with a focus on healthcare.
Is this where Earth got its water from? NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope has detected water in a rare main-belt comet.
credit ESO/L. Calçada Astronomers have detected gaseous water in the planet-forming disc around the star V883 Orionis.
All the ocean’s and fresh water on planet Earth is very little, actually.
New method of using magnets to generate oxygen from water could aid the development of technology for future long-term space missions.
World’s most advanced hydrofoil boats fly above water. Razor-sharp hydrofoil catamarans that help them hit speeds of 60 miles an hour
The moons of rogue exoplanets that don’t have stars could have water and be a good place to find life.
GE researchers developing portable device that produces water out of thin air.