Miniature Structures carved into raw stone

Amazing miniature architectural structures carved into raw stone by Matthew Simmonds.

Matthew Simmonds sculpts these stunning miniature architectural structures from raw stone.

Miniature Structures carved into raw stone (5)


Simmonds explains in an interview with Colossal:

“In my sculptures I am concerned with the common human achievement; the cultural expressions thrown up by different societies, and how the various cultural traditions interact with and influence each other. Stone is the thing that survives the most from older times, and has an inherent sense of strength and permanence that has given it a central role in historical architecture. It is also a natural material, and in this way it inherently has a connection with the Earth’s past.”

Miniature Structures carved into raw stone (4)

Miniature Structures carved into raw stone (3)

Miniature Structures carved into raw stone (2)

Miniature Structures carved into raw stone (1)


via Colossal