A Trachelius ciliate feeding on a Campanella ciliate

Take a look inside the life of extraordinarily tiny creatures. These Are The Winners Of The Nikon Small World Video Competition

Above: First place. A Trachelius ciliate feeding on a Campanella ciliate in a screenshot from the winning Nikon Small World in Motion video.

The Nikon International Small World Competition first began in 1975 as a means to recognize and applaud the efforts of those involved with photography through the light microscope. Since then, Small World has become a leading showcase for photomicrographers from the widest array of scientific disciplines.

Winner of the Competition Wim van Egmond captured the encounter between two types of ciliates (single celled organisms) by filming the hunt at a visual magnification of 250X. He said:

Wildlife is so close to us, yet most of us never look close enough to see it. A pool in your garden is actually a miniature underwater jungle teeming with life. If you want to see the world, your backyard is a great place to start.”

In Second place, Danielle Parsons, who captured this amazing look at the gut contents of a termite:


In third place the horrifying reboot of Alien by Gonzalo Avila, a parisite wasp larvae breaking out of its host caterpillar and spinning a cocoon:

source Nikon International Small World Competition