Plasma Rocket would get us to Mars in 2 months
NASA's Plasma Rocket, a propulsion system that uses nuclear power to create plasma bursts, would get us to Mars in 2 months.
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NASA's Plasma Rocket, a propulsion system that uses nuclear power to create plasma bursts, would get us to Mars in 2 months.
Korean Fusion Reactor sets new nuclear fusion record for sustaining 100 million degree plasma.
You can see in this video, how a guy built an Ionic Plasma thruster.
Watch how this guy created a giant Plasma cannon!
This video explains how a team of researchers have managed to create a jet engine that runs on 100% electric power and the air around it!
Scientists create an ‘Air Plasma’ engine that works without fossil fuel, meaning airplanes may fly using just electricity and the air as fuel.
An overview of Plasma’s amazing new technology, that could revolutionize the way airplanes are designed and flown.
‘Stellarator’ nuclear fusion reactor successfully produced its first hydrogen plasma.
The 200-trillion watt Trident Laser produces Plasma many times hotter than the Sun.
The historic ITER fusion energy project completes its most complex magnet system.