X-59 First Maximum Afterburner Engine Test
NASA conducted the first maximum afterburner engine test on the X-59 quiet supersonic research aircraft at...
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NASA conducted the first maximum afterburner engine test on the X-59 quiet supersonic research aircraft at...
All about NASA's and Lockheed Martin's 'quiet' X-59 Quesst supersonic aircraft.
NASA and Lockheed Martin unveiled the agency’s X-59 quiet supersonic aircraft at the Skunk Works facility at dawn in Palmdale, California.
The Lockheed Martin X-59 QuessT (Quiet SuperSonic Technology) has been unveiled!
NASA’s X-59 research aircraft moves from its construction site to the flight line – or the space between the hangar and the runway – at Lockheed Martin
This schlieren image is of a small-scale model of NASA’s X-59 Quiet SuperSonic Technology (QueSST) airplane taken inside NASA Supersonic Wind Tunnel, during a recent boom test.
NASA’s X-59 requires the use of creative and strategic supersonic technologies to control and soften the jarring sound that hits the ground as the aircraft flies faster
NASA’s X-59 quiet supersonic (QueSST) test aircraft passed its final development milestone and is cleared for final assembly.
NASA’s X-59 QueSST Airplane takes shape at Lockheed Martin Skunk works.
The pilot of NASA’s X-59 Quiet Supersonic Technology, or QueSST, aircraft will navigate the skies in a cockpit unlike any other. There won’t be a forward-facing window.