The Doomsday Clock determines we are Closer than ever to Disaster
The keepers of the symbolic Doomsday Clock have moved it closer to disaster than ever before, now placing it at...
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The keepers of the symbolic Doomsday Clock have moved it closer to disaster than ever before, now placing it at...
Death Clock. Know your date, change your fate. The app uses AI and CDC data to estimate your life expectancy and...
The Makkah Royal Clock Tower in Saudi Arabia pushes engineering to the extreme.
The Doomsday Clock, watched over by the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, remains at its closest point to midnight, the same as last year.
Building a marble clock. In this video a guy made the marble selector that distinguishes between white and black marbles and managed to get a number on the display.
New type of atomic clock is less than a tenth of a second out after 14 Billion years, accurate.
T-Rex Bronze clock, a collaboration between MB&F and Switzerland’s premier clockmaker L’Épée 1839, costs $27,000.
NASA’s Deep Space Atomic Clock, the first GPS-like technology for deep space, just started its one-year space mission.
The Deep Space Atomic Clock, a new technology being tested by NASA that will change the way humans navigate the solar system.
From his basement lab in Boulder, Colorado, physicist Jun Ye and his team have built the world’s most precise atomic clock.