Quantum Teleportation was achieved over an Optical Fiber Network
Quantum teleportation was achieved over an optical fiber network for the first time.
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Quantum teleportation was achieved over an optical fiber network for the first time.
Record-breaking optical fiber transmits 22.9 petabits per second, a significant increase achieved which is more than double the previous record of 10.66 Pb/s.
Researchers just teleported information over 100 km in optical fiber. The previous record was just 15 miles, set by NASA.
Aston University researchers sent data 4.5 million times faster than the average broadband.
Japan breaks Internet speed record with data transfers at 319Tb/s.
A new type of Li-Fi reached 40 Gbps, 100 times faster than Wi-Fi.
Scientists have set a world record by transmitting 1.8 petabits per second., using only a single light source.
This microscopic camera could help scientists in medical diagnoses, or to autonomous mini-robots.