This is why you can’t copy money
Do you know that you can’t copy money? Like really, it’s not just illegal, you just can’t do it on a photocopier. Watch the video…
Do you know that you can’t copy money? Like really, it’s not just illegal, you just can’t do it on a photocopier. Watch the video…
Lelo Hex, the condom re-engineered, one of the most important advances technology for over 70 years.
Amazing photos, during an airshow, of “shock collars” forming around an F-35. Credit The Aviationist’s Jacek Siminski
This is the Land Rover BAR racing hydrofoil sailboat, at the Louis Vuitton America’s Cup World Series in Chicago.
New type of meteorite, evidence of a 470-million-year-old smash, linked to ancient asteroid collision.
Mars needs YOU! NASA is looking for Red planet explorers. Posters recruit Mars farmers, surveyors, teachers…
Take a look at this futuristic electric autonomously driving truck for highways, designed for Audi.
Astronomers detected for the second time gravitational waves from colliding black holes, opening a new window on the universe.
Honda Synergy off-road buggy electric vehicle concept, with extreme off-road design.
This unique image of an exoplanet orbiting a T-Tauri star named CVSO 30, located approximately 1200 light-years away from Earth.