Bugatti 'L'Ultime' the final ChironBugatti ‘L’Ultime’. Bugatti

Bugatti ‘L’Ultime’ hypersports car celebrates the end of the incomparable Chiron era.

Since 2016, the Bugatti Chiron has reigned supreme as a hypersports car excellence symbol. ‘L’Ultime’ the final Chiron, marks the end of this remarkable journey.

The Super Sport version revisits the model that debuted in Geneva eight years ago, showcasing its legacy on its bodywork with a hand-written inscription that subtly transitions from ‘Atlantic Blue’ to ‘French Racing Blue.’

Bugatti 'L'Ultime' the final Chiron (6)Bugatti ‘L’Ultime’. Bugatti

This is the ultimate tribute to the Chiron family, celebrating an era filled with groundbreaking innovations and world-first achievements, and setting the stage for a new chapter of unmatched performance, luxury, and craftsmanship.

Bugatti 'L'Ultime' the final Chiron (5)Bugatti ‘L’Ultime’. Bugatti

Bugatti 'L'Ultime' the final Chiron (4)Bugatti ‘L’Ultime’. Bugatti

Bugatti 'L'Ultime' the final Chiron (3)Bugatti ‘L’Ultime’. Bugatti

Bugatti 'L'Ultime' the final Chiron (2)Bugatti ‘L’Ultime’. Bugatti

Bugatti 'L'Ultime' the final Chiron (1)Bugatti ‘L’Ultime’. Bugatti

source Bugatti