Energy Observer - first Hydrogen Boat around the World

Energy Observer is the first hydrogen ship around the world.

Energy Observer will go in 2017 on a 6 years trip around the world, with zero emission of greenhouse gases.

Energy Observer, first Hydrogen Boat around the World (4)

A challenge both for human and technology, the team Energy Observer, created the first autonomous boat without emission of greenhouse gases, propelled with hydrogen and renewable energies, thanks to the ‘energy mix.’

“There are solutions that we must learn to fight against global warming.”

This is what we do with Energy Observer: bringing together the energies of nature, but also of our society, on this boat, with the know-how of companies, laboratories, start-ups and institutions.

Energy Observer, first Hydrogen Boat around the World (3)

Energy Observer, first Hydrogen Boat around the World (2)

Energy Observer, first Hydrogen Boat around the World (1)

Images: Jeremie Eloy, Romain Frogé /Wanaii Films, Jean Charles Granjon/Bonne Pioche, Julien Voigt, Guillaume Le Corre

via designboom

source Energy Observer