Google unveiled Fiber Phone home telephone service (1)

Google has just unveiled Fiber Phone, adding a home telephone service to its existing Fiber high-speed internet and cable TV, where available.

Fiber Phone can help you make the most of your home phone—even when you’re not at home. Adding Fiber Phone means getting access on the road, in the office, or wherever you are. Your Fiber Phone number lives in the cloud, which means that you can use it on almost any phone, tablet or laptop. It can ring your landline when you’re home, or your mobile device when you’re on-the-go.

John Shriver-Blake, Fiber’s product manager, explains:

“While mobile phones have pushed us toward the future, home phone service is still important to many families. Landlines can be familiar, reliable and provide high-quality service, but the technology hasn’t always kept up.”

source Google Fiber Blog