Hydraloop domestic Water Recycling unit

Hydraloop water recycling unit, a smart innovative and certified domestic grey water recycling system, that saves water and energy by recycling 85% of domestic water.

Every day we use water and it is a vital condition of life. However, increasingly there is less fresh water available on our earth. Water is becoming our ‘Blue Gold’.

Hydraloop system cost US$4,000 and can save 45 percent on your water bill.


Decentralized recycling & reusing of water is the most effective and economical alternative source of water. By recycling ‘at the source’ and using water twice, we can substantially curb the increasing demand in fresh water.

That is why Hydraloop developed the first of its kind, compact, next generation, smart, self cleaning, low maintenance water recycle products. The unique and patentend game changing water treatment technology  ensures clean, clear and safe water to reuse again. With Hydraloop’s turn key products you can continue ‘life as usual’, without exhausting our earth’s resources.

Hydraloop smart home solutions are essential for eco-living and offer sustainable living without compromise on quality of live. Hydraloop solutions for buildings, lodges and hotels offer circular and sustainable operation of your business, adding value to property and contributing towards certification.

source Hydraloop