Micro Wind Turbine

Micro Wind Turbine can charge your devices day or night.

The ‘micro wind turbine’ charging device, is compact, lightweight, by student Nils Ferber, at the école Cantonportable Ale d’art de Lausanne (ECAL), in Switzerland.

Micro Wind Turbine (3)

Designed for expedition leaders, film-makers, mountaineers, climbers, and more, the small turbine weighs less than one kilo.

Nils Ferber explains:

“All of them told me they use solar panels to recharge, but being entirely dependent on sunshine is a huge problem – sometimes putting them out of work for several days.”

The prototype will be presented at the Dubai Design Week from the 24 to 29 October 2016.

Micro Wind Turbine (2)

Micro Wind Turbine (1)

via designboom