MiGFlug Edge of Space Flight

The famous MiGFlug MiG-29 Edge of Space flight, not surprising it is probably the craziest and most surprising adventure available…

The Edge of Space Flight – or Stratosphere Flight – has several unique characteristics that can’t be experienced elsewhere:

– It’s the only possibility for everyone to break the sound barrier
– supersonic flying with a top speed up to MACH 1.9
– Altitude up to 20km/65,000ft altitude
– Insane aerobatics with G-Forces up to over 9g
– The only possibility to fly a modern 4th generation fighter jet
– MiGFlug customers can control the MiG-29

You will reach twice the altitude and speed of a commercial airliner. Up there, in the stratosphere, you can clearly see the curvature of the Earth. Countless stars can be seen, even at daytime – in a deeply black sky. And far below the Earth is wrapped in a blue fog – the Troposphere. A breathtaking – life changing experience.
But how does the MiG-29 climb to these altitudes? It is above the service ceiling of the beautiful fighter jet. The MiG-29 climbs at maximum speed in a huge parabola and “overshoots” the service ceiling.

Learn more about the Edge of Space Flight: http://tinyurl.com/fly-to-edge-of-space