wordlesstech | Nature category, comprises 3 sub categories: Animals, Environment, Natural phenomena.
2023 was officially the Hottest Year on Record
2023 was officially the hottest year on record, with global temperatures close to the 1.5°C limit.
wordlesstech | Nature category, comprises 3 sub categories: Animals, Environment, Natural phenomena.
2023 was officially the hottest year on record, with global temperatures close to the 1.5°C limit.
Octopus vs underwater maze. "I, for one, welcome our octopus overlords."
NASA and its partners have started the U.S. Greenhouse Gas Center to share information about the climate.
The world's largest iceberg, after being stuck on the ocean floor for well over 4 decades, is on the move.
The world's first clean ammonia-powered container vessel, named Yara Eyde, will be the first to sail an emission-free sea route between Norway and Germany.
The Ocean is deeper than you think. We need better maps.
NASA announces Summer 2023 hottest on record since global records began in 1880.
Hurricane Idalia in the Gulf of Mexico viewed from the International Space Station 261 miles above Earth on Aug. 29, 2023.
NASA says July 2023 is the hottest month on record ever since 1880.
Worrisome low Antarctic sea ice in the depths of winter, than scientists expected for this time of year.