A mysterious beyond Pluto Object
NASA’s New Horizons spacecraft collects first science on a mysterious beyond Pluto object.
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NASA’s New Horizons spacecraft collects first science on a mysterious beyond Pluto object.
Watch in the video how magnetic levitation, will help Hyperloop Transportation to ‘float’ at 760mph.
From their vantage points, Earth-observing satellites ‘see’ our planet in more ways than one. Happy Earth Day.
Mercedes-Benz Silver Arrow luxury motor yacht, combines the performance company’s sports cars with innovations from the boat industry.
Singaporeans could be soon take advantage of these futuristic driverless pod vehicles, to go around their city.
DARPA is working on a new terrifying “Gremlins” program, a swarm of small reusable drones deployed from aircraft over “denied” zones.
Exceptional ‘moonset’ viewed from the Space Station, captured by British astronaut Tim Peake.
The car of the future, the Robocar, is the world’s first driverless electric racing car. Watch the video…
Scientists created a new kind of fabric, which uses light to spontaneously clean themselves of stains and grime.
The impressive curvaceous pedestrian and cycling bridge, has been built over the Swan River in Perth, Australia.