E-Cigarette Explodes sends man in hospital
E-Cigarette explodes at men’s pocket, and he was sent to the hospital with severe burns. Take a look at the video…
01- First dimensioning instrument device
01 is world’s first dimensioning instrument, can capture dimensions of any object.
Night Sky over the Himalayas
Is this the view of an alien world, an artist’s conception of Neptune? Actually, it’s captured from here on planet Earth. Photographer: Jeff Dai
Google Daydream VR
Google Daydream VR to hit retail on November 10th.
A weird metallic Meteorite on Mars
Curiosity has just spotted a peculiar-looking metallic meteorite on Mars.
Leonardo DiCaprio’s ‘Before the Flood’ documentary
Watch Leonardo DiCaprio’s new climate change documentary ‘Before The Flood,’ for free…
How could we make Earth-like, another Planet?
How could we create a second Earth? How can we make Mars, Venus, or some of the moons in our solar system more earth-like?
Creative Weapons of the Medieval period
Take a look at some of the creative, peculiar and deadly weapons of the medieval period…
Genetically engineered Mosquitoes can Reduce Diseases by 90%
Genetically engineered mosquitoes can reduce disease-transmitting populations by 90%.
Electron Bike Wheel
A compact solution for converting your traditional bicycle into an electric, pedal-assist bike.