The Carbon Footprint of the Digital Age- infographic
When we think of things that are affecting our atmosphere, we tend to think of car fumes or factories etc. But did you know that
BMW Titan Concept Motorcycle
BMW Titan Concept motorcycle, designed for Bonneville Salt Flats and Landspeed Racing.
The making of a Tennis Ball
Take a look at the impressive manufacturing process of the tennis balls, for the US Open…
Skysurfing in a Thunderstorm
Watch this guy surfing an active thunderstorm, at speeds up to 130 mph…
Incredibly Powerful Microburst Storm
Time lapses of the evolution of a strong microburst storm, captured from Phoenix Sky Harbor international airport…
Aquanauts Splash Down
Aquanauts splash down, beginning NEEMO 21 research mission.
The Final Frontier by NASA
In celebration of Star Trek’s new movie and 50th anniversary, the Hubble Space Telescope is sharing its newest Frontier Field image…
50 meters sailing yacht with Solar Sails
Aquila is a 50 meters conceptual sailing yacht, with solar sails.
FORMUL2 concept electric car
FORMUL2 concept electric car, a futuristic new style of roadster and racing car.
One Year on Earth – from 1 Million Miles
NASA released the first image of the sunlit side of Earth captured by the space agency’s EPIC camera on NOAA’s DSCOVR satellite.