Scientist Flies to Edge of Space

NASA scientist flies to the edge of space on Virgin Galactic‘s 05 mission for suborbital research for the first time.

Virgin Galactic announced the completion of its sixth space mission in six months and its tenth to date.

The ‘Galactic 05’ mission saw Virgin Galactic’s spaceship converted into a suborbital lab for space-based scientific research for the second time.

Michael Colglazier, CEO of Virgin Galactic, said:

“Providing researchers with reliable and repeatable access to a high-quality microgravity environment is vital to our mission of expanding human knowledge and enabling scientific discoveries. We are proud to support the work of the Southwest Research Institute and International Institute for Astronautical Sciences with today’s flight, and we will use insights from the mission to enhance the research capabilities of our future Delta-class spaceships. We look forward to playing an increasingly important role in space research in the years ahead.”

Image credit Virgin Galactic

source Virgin Galactic