Soft robot Exosuit

This soft robot exosuit could help people walk again.

Scientist at Harvard’s Wyss Institute created a lightweight textile exosuit, that reduces the energy a wearer uses to walk by 23 per cent.

Above, image credit Harvard Biodesign Lab

The exosuit could also help soldiers carry heavy supply packs on the battlefield.

Team leader Conor Walsh, explains:

“In a test group of seven healthy wearers, we clearly saw that the more assistance provided to the ankle joints, the more energy the wearers could save with a maximum reduction of almost 23% compared to walking with the exosuit powered-off. To our knowledge, this is the highest relative reduction in energy expenditure observed to date with a tethered exoskeleton or exosuit.”

Soft robot Exosuit

Credit Harvard Biodesign Lab

via Wired

source Harvard’s Wyss Institute