Peculiar Clouds over Hong Kong
Earlier this month, two unusual type of cloud appeared in the sky, high above Hong Kong, China. Image credit Alfred Lee
Earlier this month, two unusual type of cloud appeared in the sky, high above Hong Kong, China. Image credit Alfred Lee
Are the repeating radio signals we are receiving, from aliens? Mysterious powerful exotic signals have been detected, from our biggest radio telescope, coming far beyond our own
A new theory suggests that life on other planets would likely be brief and become extinct very quickly.
Astronomers believe there really is something weird happening around KIC 8462852 star, that’s 1480 light-years away.
Mysterious dome on Mars appears on a photograph taken by the NASA Opportunity Rover.
Images about these peculiar clouds over Cape Town, South Africa, looking like alien invasion, posted in social media.
In the video, the construction process of the impressive world’s largest Radio Telescope, in SW China, created to hunt aliens…
Astronomers have discovered a strange gigantic object whirling around a distant star, and they never seen anything like this. Image credit Arxiv
First topographical maps of Ceres unveiled by NASA, showing the alien lights of Occator crater and scientists still don’t know what the bright spots are.
The majority of people in Britain, Germany and the USA, believe that aliens exist, according to a new poll.