Lelo Hex Condom

Lelo Hex, the condom re-engineered, one of the most important advances technology for over 70 years.

Swedish company Lelo has developed Hex with hexagonal-shaped cells, that will tear less than others on the market.

Go beneath the surface of this innovative new condom, see exactly why it’s so different from everything that came before it and learn how Hexchanges everything.

Hexv structural design features hexagonal webbing, that can withstand more stress than a regular condom.

Lelo Hex Condom

There’s a reason why honeycombs are the shape they are, and why snake scales move the way they do. It’s because hexagons are strong, symmetrical, and tessellate perfectly. They’re nature’s go-to shape for anything needing to be at once lightweight, and incredibly strong. That’s why the structure of Graphene – the thinnest, strongest material known to science is … you guessed it, hexagonal.

Lelo Hex Condom

Find out more at https://www.lelo.com/hex-condoms-orig…