The Sentinel System Underwater Base

The Sentinel System underwater base is a completely new world of subsea living and working.

The DEEP Senentinel™ System is endlessly configurable, completely customizable, and flexes seamlessly to accommodate short-term through to semi-permanent deployments, at a depth of roughly 200 m (around 656 ft).

at a depth of roughly 200 m (around 656 ft), (6)

By enabling the manufacture, transport, deployment, maintenance, retrieval, and redeployment of modular subsea habitat components, the Sentinel System is at once safe, efficient, and economical.

at a depth of roughly 200 m (around 656 ft), (5)

In its fully transformative technology, conceived without compromise on the six Sentinel Design Tenets, the system changes subsea habitation once and for all.

at a depth of roughly 200 m (around 656 ft), (4)

Deep in a press release, explained:

“The lower limit of the Epipelagic Zone is the deepest point at which sunlight penetrates into the ocean and it’s estimated that 90% of marine life is found in this zone. Being able to comprehensively explore the full extent of this part of the ocean rather than just performing incursions from the surface, will represent a step-change in the way scientists can observe, monitor, and understand the oceans.

at a depth of roughly 200 m (around 656 ft), (3)

at a depth of roughly 200 m (around 656 ft), (2)

at a depth of roughly 200 m (around 656 ft), (1)

Images credit DEEP