Underwater Air-Filled Tent lets Scuba Divers Camp

An underwater air-filled tent lets scuba divers camp under the sea.

The newly designed ‘ocean-space habitat’ offers divers a place to decompress and to conduct research.

A series of deep scientific exploration dives in 2010 to more than 400 feet of depth resulted in very real human physiological limits being reached. Just minutes of productive working time at depth resulted in several hours of decompression. Decompression is typically carried out by literally ‘hanging on line’ and can be uncomfortable – and unproductive. At the same time, technology had reached its limits. Today’s closed-circuit rebreathers allow for 4-6 hours of life support. Most deep technical dives are carried out within this period where both work and decompression do not exceed this allotment.

Our patented Ocean Space Habitat technology vastly extends the range of technical diving, and resulting scientific discoveries.

While saturation diving and permanent undersea habitat technology and techniques are well established, the portability of our Ocean Space Habitat concept puts near-saturation level excursions at our fingertips in a very cost-effective way.

Technical Specification Download (.pdf)

source oceanopportunity