Universe Size Comparison 3D

Size comparison of the entire universe 2017 in 3D. From the fabric of space-time itself, we journey outwards to subatomic elementary particles, to atoms, molecules…

…viruses, bacteria, cells, animals, planes, ships, buildings, mountains, countries, moons, planets, stars, solar systems, black holes, nebulas, galaxies, superclusters, supercluster-complex and finally the universe, but it goes beyond that…

“It took our team over 1000 hours across 6 months to do and we could not have done it without the support of every one of our subscribers and supporters.”

Click to view these size comparisons:
Particles Size Comparison: 1:02
Atoms Size Comparison: 1:48
Macromolecules Size Comparison: 1:57
Viruses Size Comparison: 2:08
Bacteria Size Comparison: 2:18
Cell Size Comparison: 2:27
Micro Organisms Size Comparison: 2:38
Animals Size Comparison: 3:25
Sea Monsters Size Comparison: 3:32
Dinosaurs Size Comparison: 3:44
Aircraft Size Comparison: 4:02
Ships Size Comparison: 4:14
Building Height Comparison: 4:23
Longest Bridge Comparison: 4:38
Tallest Mountain Size Comparison: 4:41
Asteroids/Moons Size Comparison: 4:50
Planets Size Comparison: 5:01
Star Size Comparison: 5:31
Solar System Size Comparison: 6:13
Black Hole Size Comparison: 6:26
Nebula Size Comparison: 6:35
Galaxy Size Comparison: 7:24
Superclusters Size Comparison: 7:48
Beyond Universes Size Comparison: 8:23