3D-Printed Mars Colonies

A workshop will fine-tune potential designs for a Martian habitat.

Mars City Design challenged architects and engineers around the world, to design a Martian habitat.

Above, Barcania Alpha by Kwanpo Cheng, is one of the finalists in Mars City Design’s challenge to design a Martian colony.   Credit Mars City Design

Mars City Design is planing to 3D-print the colonies, at full scale and ready for testing within three years.

3D-Printed Mars Colonies

Neurosynthesis by Karan Gandhi, Manchester, U.K.    Credit Mars City Design

Vera Mulyani, Founder & CEO of Mars City Design, explains:

“It is not enough to just travel to Mars and survive. Now we must develop a way in which we can sustainably live and love on Mars. It is essential that we call on a new generation of thinkers and innovators to make this a reality.”

via popsci

source Kickstarter