First stunning view of Webb Telescope
A stunning comparison of the same target, as seen by the Spitzer Space Telescope and then in the Webb Telescope’s calibration images.
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A stunning comparison of the same target, as seen by the Spitzer Space Telescope and then in the Webb Telescope’s calibration images.
NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope recently captured a detailed view of the Sombrero Galaxy using...
NASA’s flying telescope SOFIA captured a crisp infrared image of the center of our Milky Way galaxy.
Astronomers using data from NASA’s Spitzer Space Telescope provide a rare glimpse of conditions on the surface of a rocky exoplanet orbiting a star beyond the Sun.
Unlike Andy Warhol’s famous silkscreen grids of repeating images rendered in different colors, the varying hues of this galaxy represent how its appearance changes in different wavelengths
Take a planet-hopping excursion through the TRAPPIST-1 system. Only 40 light-year away.
7 Earth-sized planets have been discovered in a Star system 40 lights-years away.
An infrared image of the impressive Helix Nebula, from the robotic Spitzer Space Telescope.
A NASA scientist just announced a promising new theory about a possible link between primordial black holes and dark matter.
Astronomers used a method called “photo-reverberation,” also known as “light echoes,” to determine the distance from a star to the inner rim of its surrounding protoplanetary disk.