Aerosols vs Global Warming

Aerosols: Why we must act now to avert a Climate crisis. Uncovering the link between Aerosols and Global Warming.

Aerosols are very small particles dispersed in our atmosphere that work in opposition to greenhouse gases. While greenhouse gases trap solar energy and contribute to warming our planet, aerosols typically have more of a competing, cooling effect. In fact, some estimates even suggest that since the 1950s, these aerosol particles have likely counteracted about a third of greenhouse gas-driven global warming.

Natural aerosols, such as sea salt, dust particles, and organic compounds from plants make up about 90% of the aerosols in our atmosphere and constitute an important part of our planet’s atmosphere. The other 10% occur from human activities, namely industrial pollution and the burning of tropical forests.

Aerosols vs Global Warming - infographic

source Greenmatch