Day and night in the Astro Camp 1

Day and night on this little planet, look a lot like day and night on planet Earth.   Image credit György Soponyai

The images by György Soponyai, used to build the little planet projection, a digitally warped and stitched mosaic covering 360×180 degrees, were taken during day and night near Tarján, Hungary, planet Earth.

The photographer explains:

This picture is the result of a 33-hour-long photo experiment I had been planning for more than two years. Besides analemmas and solar eclipses, whole-day-long Little Planets were always on the top of my photo wish-list.

The annual astro camp of Hungarian Astronomical Association is held in Gerecse Mountain near Tarján (~50km southwest from Budapest) every year.

At first two years ago I tried to take a picture like this one however I left half of my equipment at home including the extra batteries.

The time-series composite follows the solar disk in 20 minute intervals from sunrise to sunset and over six hours of star trails in the northern night sky centered on the North Celestial Pole near bright star Polaris. The orbiting International Space Station traced the offset arc across the northern night. Below the little planet’s night side horizon, red light lamps of fellow astro-campers left the night-long, dancing trails.

source APOD