Modern Art, entertainment and sports.
Skydivers on a Mega Swing
Take four skydivers, two hot air balloons, a 125m long rope with a seat on the end, climb to 1,800m in a hot air balloon…
Modern Art, entertainment and sports.
Take four skydivers, two hot air balloons, a 125m long rope with a seat on the end, climb to 1,800m in a hot air balloon…
A stunning image series comparing the size of things by Kevin Wisbith, are really out of this world!
Watch in this video how to built this incredible illusion…
Baffling hand-drawn animation with ink, white-out and coffee. ..
The year 2100. In an effort to combat overpopulation, the postmortem social network “Anvil” is released and made mandatory to all…
Amazing 3D Graffiti by Italian street artist Peeta.
It’s nearly impossible for any film these days to be 100% truly original. Here are 10 amazing films that stole footage from old movies…
Stuntman Eddie Braunover successfully jumps on a rocket, the Snake River Canyon.
15,000 dominoes, 25 hours spread over 8 days building this massive triple spiral structure…
Take a look at the introduction of a brand new sport by the team at Freefl, the Dronesurfing…