GM e-Bike

General Motors is building e-bikes and wants you to name them.

General Motors is developing revolutionary, flexible electrification technologies that will enable our team to dream beyond the traditional vehicle and give our customers the freedom of movement that they seek.

Today our team brought one of those dreams to life when we revealed two innovative, integrated and connected eBikes – one folding and one compact – without a brand.

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We want customers to be involved from the start, so we’re asking enthusiasts from around the globe to help name our eBike brand using The challenge participant responsible for the selected eBike brand name will receive $10,000 and nine other participants responsible for runner-up submissions will each receive $1,000.

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Hannah Parish, director of General Motors Urban Mobility Solutions, explains:

“As an avid cyclist and urban commuter, I know how great it feels to get where I’m going easily and to show up sweat-free. We blended electrification engineering know-how, design talents and automotive-grade testing with great minds from the bike industry to create our eBikes. Now we want to expand our thinking beyond the company walls and hear from people who like to move and have rad ideas.”

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source GM