Live New York Subway map (2)

An impressive live New York subway map showing trains moving in real-time.

Work & Co has launched the first major redesign of the MTA subway map in decades, and acclaimed filmmaker Gary Hustwit documented the process of creating a new “live map” — one that updates in real-time — to help New Yorkers and tourists better plan their journeys.

Live New York Subway map (1)

The Live Subway Map, which can be found at, is a more accurate, tech-forward option to printed maps and those commonly used on station walls. Using the MTA’s own data, the map, which is web-based to reach across a multitude of devices without a download, continually updates routes to illustrate current and accurate train service status.

Live New York Subway map (3)

The launch of the new map follows an 18-month partnership between Work & Co, the MTA, and the Transit Innovation Partnership, a public-private partnership between the MTA and the partnership for New York City. Work & Co led design concepting, detailed design, technical architecture, web application development, and quality assurance.

Live New York Subway map

source Work & Co