Monte Rosa Hut in Zermatt

The Monte Rosa Hut is a multi-story shelter, in an isol­ated moun­tain loc­a­tion, in Zermatt.

The Monte Rosa Hut, created by Sch­weizer Al­pen-Club SAC in col­lab­or­a­tion with Stu­dio Monte Rosa ETH Zurich.

Monte Rosa Hut in Zermatt (5)

A five-story wood con­struc­tion made from pre­fab­ric­ated frame ele­ments.

Monte Rosa Hut in Zermatt (3)

The isol­ated moun­tain loc­a­tion man­dates the greatest pos­sible self-suf­fi­ciency. The am­bi­val­ence between a sense of se­cur­ity and be­ing ex­posed defines the build­ing’s struc­ture: be­low are the com­munal areas with sur­round­ing rib­bon glaz­ing, above the closed sleep­ing quar­ters. The cas­cad­ing spiral stair­way opens pan­or­ama views when as­cend­ing, fol­lows the course of the sun, cap­tures the solar ir­ra­di­ation, and dis­trib­utes the warmth of the sun throughout the en­tire house.

Monte Rosa Hut in Zermatt (4)

Monte Rosa Hut in Zermatt (2)

Monte Rosa Hut in Zermatt (1)

Images credit Bearth & Deplazes

via uncrate

source Monte Rosa Hut