The first All-Electric Airliner

NASA creating world’s first environmentally friendly electric plane, powered by frozen hydrogen fuel.

Engineering Researchers at the University of Illinois are developing a newly funded project from NASA, on a new hybrid aircraft.

Above,artist’s rendering of the advanced commercial transport aircraft concept utilizing CHEETA systems. Image credit University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Department of Aerospace

The engineers have been given $6million, to create in three years the tech which could revolutionise the way airliners are flying today.

Instead of using fossil fuels, the aircraft will carry cryogenically-liquified hydrogen fuel, that will be converted to electrical power.

If the new system will be successful, electric planes could revolutionise the aviation industry.

NASA is designing the first All-Electric Airliner

A fully electric aircraft platform that uses cryogenic liquid hydrogen as an energy storage method. Image credit University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Department of Aerospace Engineering

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