NASA is now developing the plane that quietly fly faster than sound and will go from NYC to LA in 2 hours.
NASA announced that Lockheed will build the “X-Plane,” a supersonic aircraft without generating a loud sonic boom.
The experimental plane will fly at an altitude of 55,000 feet and cruise at a speed of 940 miles per hour.
Larry Cliatt, principal investigator for NASA, said:
“This project, QSF 18, is a test so we can test the methodology for future community response testing for projects like the LBFD.”
George Abbey, senior fellow in space policy at Rice University’s Baker Institute, explains:
“What NASA is doing is a step in the right direction.
If I could fly supersonic transport, I could reduce that [travel] time. Time is really money, and spending a short time on an airplane vs. a long time, I’d prefer taking the short time.”
via nowthisnews
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