wordlesstech | Nature category, comprises 3 sub categories: Animals, Environment, Natural phenomena.
What El Niño will do to Earth in 2024
What El Niño will do to Earth in 2024? The La Niña and El Niño Southern Oscillation.
wordlesstech | Nature category, comprises 3 sub categories: Animals, Environment, Natural phenomena.
What El Niño will do to Earth in 2024? The La Niña and El Niño Southern Oscillation.
Two trillion tonnes of greenhouse gases, 25 billion nukes of heat: are we pushing Earth out of the Goldilocks zone?
More than 19,300 undersea volcanoes were discovered using high-resolution radar data.
The Surface Water and Ocean Topography mission has sent back some of its first glimpses of water on Earth’s surface, including a detailed view of the Gulf
Sea ice around Antarctica in February 2023, reached the lowest extent ever observed since the start of the satellite record in 1979.
From many places on the Earth including major cities, the night sky has been reduced from a fascinating display of thousands of stars to a diffuse glow
Credit NASA Night skies are getting 9.6% brighter every year as light pollution erases stars for everyone.
The magnitude 7.8 and 7.5 earthquakes that struck southern Türkiye and western Syria on February 6, 2023, caused widespread destruction in both countries.
Neil deGrasse Tyson explains Earth’s spinning core.
A huge iceberg (1550 km²), almost the size of Greater London, breaks away from Antarctic ice shelf.